pyownet.protocol — low level interface to owserver protocol


This software is still in alpha testing. Although it has been successfully used in production environments for more than 4 years, its API is not frozen yet, and could be changed.

The pyownet.protocol module is a low-level implementation of the client side of the owserver protocol. Interaction with an owserver takes place via a proxy object whose methods correspond to the owserver protocol messages.

>>> from pyownet import protocol
>>> owproxy = protocol.proxy(host="", port=4304)
>>> owproxy.dir()
['/10.000010EF0000/', '/05.000005FA0100/', '/26.000026D90200/', '/01.000001FE0300/', '/43.000043BC0400/']
b'         1.6'

Persistent vs. non-persistent proxy objects.

The owserver protocol presents two variants: non-persistent connection and persistent connection. In a non-persistent connection a network socket is bound and torn down for each client-server message exchange; the protocol is stateless. For a persistent connection the same socket is reused for subsequent client-server interactions and the socket has to be torn down only at the end of the session. Note that there is no guarantee that a persistent connection is granted by the server: if the server is not willing to grant a persistent connection, the protocol requires a fall-back towards a non-persistent connection.

Correspondingly two different proxy object classes are implemented: non-persistent and persistent.

  • Non-persistent proxy objects are thread-safe: at each method call of this class, a new socket is bound and torn down after a reply is received. Even if multiple threads use concurrently the same pyownet proxy object, there is no risk of garbling the order of the responses.
  • Persistent proxy objects are not thread safe: on the first call to a method, a socket is bound to the owserver and kept open for reuse in subsequent calls; it is responsibility of the user to explicitly close the connection at the end of a session. This mode is not thread safe because if multiple threads use the same socket to send messages to an owserver, there is no guarantee that they will receive the respective answer due to a race condition on the single socket stream. If a single persistent proxy object has to be used by multiple threads, a locking mechanism has to be implemented, to prevent concurrent use of the persistent socket.

In general, if performance is not an issue, it is safer to use non-persistent connection proxies: the protocol is simpler to manage, and usually the cost of creating a socket for each message is negligible with respect to the 1-wire network response times.


owserver operations are synchronous: on a given socket connection, the server waits for an incoming client message, replies to the message, and closes the connection (when in non-persistent mode) or starts over (when in persistent mode.) Since 1-wire replies can take a long time to be generated, after receiving a request, the server sends keepalive frames at 1 second intervals to signal the client that the connection is still alive and that a response is in preparation.

All methods of a pyownet proxy object are blocking: method calls return only after a server response is received. To avoid dead-locks, two different timeout mechanisms are implemented:

  • a low level timeout on socket operations,
  • a high level timeout valid for owserver messages.

The low level timeout is applied to all socket operations: when the timeout is expired [1] a ConnError is raised. This typically happens if there are network problems or the owserver crashes.

The high level timeout is optional, and is specified as a keyword argument to the proxy object methods. If timeout==0 the operation blocks as long as the owserver sends keepalive packets. For timeout>0, after timeout seconds a OwnetTimeout exception is raised. Please note that the check for an expired timeout is performed only after a keepalive packet is received from the server, therefore once every second.


[1]The socket timeout interval is set by the internal constant _SCK_TIMEOUT, by default 2 seconds.

Factory functions

pyownet.protocol.proxy(host='localhost', port=4304, flags=0, persistent=False, verbose=False)
  • host (str) – host to contact
  • port (int) – tcp port number to connect with
  • flags (int) – protocol flag word to be ORed to each outgoing message (see Flags).
  • persistent (bool) – whether the requested connection is persistent or not.
  • verbose (bool) – if true, print on sys.stdout debugging messages related to the owserver protocol.

proxy object


Proxy objects are created by this factory function; for persistent=False will be of class _Proxy or _PersistentProxy for persistent=True

pyownet.protocol.clone(proxy, persistent=True)
  • proxy – existing proxy object
  • persistent (bool) – whether the new proxy object is persistent or not

new proxy object

There are costs involved in creating proxy objects (DNS lookups etc.). Therefore the same proxy object should be saved and reused in different parts of the program. The main purpose of this functions is to quickly create a new proxy object with the same properties of the old one, with only the persistence parameter changed. Typically this can be useful if one desires to use persistent connections in a multithreaded environment, as per the example below:

from pyownet import protocol

def worker(shared_proxy):
    with protocol.clone(shared_proxy, persistent=True) as newproxy:
        rep1 =
        rep2 =
        # do some work

owproxy = protocol.proxy(persistent=False)
for i in range(NUM_THREADS):
    th = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(owproxy, ))

Of course, is persistence is not needed, the code could be more simple:

from pyownet import protocol

def worker(shared_proxy):
    rep1 =
    rep2 =
    # do some work

owproxy = protocol.proxy(persistent=False)
for i in range(NUM_THREADS):
    th = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(owproxy, ))

Proxy objects

Proxy objects are returned by the factory functions proxy() and clone(): methods of the proxy object send messages to the proxied server and return it’s response, if any. They exists in two versions: non-persistent _Proxy instances and persistent _PersistentProxy instances. The corresponding classes should not be instantiated directly by the user, but only by the factory functions.

class pyownet.protocol._Proxy

Objects of this class follow the non-persistent protocol: a new socket is created and connected to the owserver for each method invocation; after the server reply message is received, the socket is shut down. The implementation is thread-safe: different threads can use the same proxy object for concurrent access to the owserver.


Send a ping message to owserver.


This is actually a no-op; this method could be used for verifying that a given server is accepting connections and alive.

present(path, timeout=0)

Check if a node is present at path.

  • path (str) – OWFS path
  • timeout (float) – operation timeout (seconds)

True if an entity is present at path, False otherwise

Return type:


dir(path='/', slash=True, bus=False, timeout=0)

List directory content

  • path (str) – OWFS path to list
  • slash (bool) – True if directories should be marked with a trailing slash
  • bus (bool) – True if special directories should be listed
  • timeout (float) – operation timeout (seconds)

directory content

Return type:


Return a list of the pathnames of the entities that are direct descendants of the node at path, which has to be a directory:

>>> owproxy = protocol.proxy()
>>> owproxy.dir()
['/10.000010EF0000/', '/05.000005FA0100/', '/26.000026D90200/', '/01.000001FE0300/', '/43.000043BC0400/']
>>> owproxy.dir('/10.000010EF0000/')
['/10.000010EF0000/address', '/10.000010EF0000/alias', '/10.000010EF0000/crc8', '/10.000010EF0000/errata/', '/10.000010EF0000/family', '/10.000010EF0000/id', '/10.000010EF0000/locator', '/10.000010EF0000/power', '/10.000010EF0000/r_address', '/10.000010EF0000/r_id', '/10.000010EF0000/r_locator', '/10.000010EF0000/scratchpad', '/10.000010EF0000/temperature', '/10.000010EF0000/temphigh', '/10.000010EF0000/templow', '/10.000010EF0000/type']

If slash=True the pathnames of directories are marked by a trailing slash. If bus=True also special directories (like '/settings', '/structure', '/uncached') are listed.

read(path, size=MAX_PAYLOAD, offset=0, timeout=0)

Read node at path

  • path (str) – OWFS path
  • size (int) – maximum length of data read
  • offset (int) – offset at which read data
  • timeout (float) – operation timeout (seconds)

binary buffer

Return type:


Return the data read from node at path, which has not to be a directory.

>>> owproxy = protocol.proxy()

The size parameters can be specified to limit the maximum length of the data buffer returned; when offset > 0 the first offset bytes are skipped. (In python slice notation, if data = read(path), then read(path, size, offset) returns data[offset:offset+size].)

write(path, data, offset=0, timeout=0)

Write data at path.

  • path (str) – OWFS path
  • data (bytes) – binary data to write
  • offset (int) – offset at which write data
  • timeout (float) – operation timeout (seconds)


Writes binary data to node at path; when offset > 0 data is written starting at byte offset offset in path.

>>> owproxy = protocol.proxy()
>>> owproxy.write('/10.000010EF0000/alias', b'myalias')
sendmess(msgtype, payload, flags=0, size=0, offset=0, timeout=0)

Send message to owserver, and blocking waits for reply.

  • msgtype (int) – message type code
  • payload (bytes) – message payload
  • flags (int) – message flags
  • int (offset) – message size
  • int – message offset
  • timeout (float) – operation timeout (seconds)

owserver return code and reply data

Return type:

(int, bytes) tuple

This is a low level method meant as direct interface to the owserver protocol, useful for generating messages which are not covered by the other higher level methods of this class.

This method sends a message of type msgtype (see Message types) with a given payload to the server; flags are ORed with the proxy general flags (specified in the flags parameter of the proxy() factory function), while size and offset are passed unchanged into the message header.

The method returns a (retcode, data) tuple, where retcode is the server return code (< 0 in case of error) and data the binary payload of the reply message.

>>> owproxy = protocol.proxy()
>>> owproxy.sendmess(protocol.MSG_DIRALL, b'/', flags=protocol.FLG_BUS_RET)
(0, b'/10.000010EF0000,/05.000005FA0100,/26.000026D90200,/01.000001FE0300,/43.000043BC0400,/bus.0,/uncached,/settings,/system,/statistics,/structure,/simultaneous,/alarm')
>>> owproxy.sendmess(protocol.MSG_DIRALL, b'/nonexistent')
(-1, b'')
class pyownet.protocol._PersistentProxy

Objects of this class follow the persistent protocol, reusing the same socket connection for more than one method call. When a method is called, it firsts check for an open connection: if none is found a socket is created and bound to the owserver. All messages are sent to the server with the FLG_PERSISTENCE flag set; if the server grants persistence, the socket is kept open, otherwise the socket is shut down as for _Proxy instances. In other terms if persistence is not granted there is an automatic fallback to the non-persistent protocol.

The use of the persistent protocol is therefore transparent to the user, with an important difference: if persistence is granted by the server, a socket connection is kept open to the owserver, after the last method call. It is the responsibility of the user to explicitly close the connection at the end of a session, to avoid server timeouts.

_PersistentProxy objects have all the methods of _Proxy instances, plus a method for closing a connection.


if there is an open connection, shuts down the socket; does nothing if no open connection is present.

Note that after the call to close_connection() the object can still be used: in fact a new method call will open a new socket connection.

To avoid the need of explicitly calling the close_connection() method, _PersistentProxy instances support the context management protocol (i.e. the with statement.) When the with block is entered a socket connection is opened; the same socket connection is closed at the exit of the block. A typical usage pattern could be the following:

owproxy = protocol.proxy(persistent=True)

with owproxy:
    # here socket is bound to owserver
    # do work which requires to call owproxy methods
    res = owproxy.dir()
    # etc.

# here socket is closed
# do work that does not require owproxy access

with owproxy:
    # again a connection is open
    res = owproxy.dir()
    # etc.

In the above example, outside of the with blocks all socket connections to the owserver are guaranteed to be closed. Moreover the socket connection is opened when entering the block, even before the first call to a method, which could be useful for error handling.

For non-persistent connections, entering and exiting the with block context is a no-op.


Base classes

exception pyownet.protocol.Error

The base class for all exceptions raised by this module.

Concrete exceptions

exception pyownet.protocol.OwnetError

This exception is raised to signal an error return code by the owserver. This exception inherits also from the builtin OSError and follows its semantics: it sets arguments errno, strerror, and, if available, filename. Message errors are derived from the owserver introspection, by consulting the /settings/return_codes/text.ALL node.

exception pyownet.protocol.OwnetTimeout

This exception is raised when there is an owserver operation in progress but a given timeout period has expired. This is distinct from a low-level socket timeout which is signaled by a ConnError). See Timeouts.

exception pyownet.protocol.ConnError

This exception is raised when a low level socket system call fails. In fact ConnError simply wraps the Python OSError exception along with all its arguments, from which it inherits. In other terms it is implemented as

    # call some socket method/function
except OSError as exc:
    raise ConnError(*exc.args)

Typical situations in which this exception occurs are when

  • a network connection to the owserver cannot be established,
  • a socket timeout occurs at the OS level.

For Python versions prior to 3.5, this exception could also be raised for an interrupted system call, see PEP 475 [3].

exception pyownet.protocol.ProtocolError

This exception is raised when a successful network connection is established, but the remote server does not speak the owserver network protocol or some other error occurred during the exchange of owserver messages.

exception pyownet.protocol.MalformedHeader

A subclass of ProtocolError: raised when it is impossible to decode the reply header received from the remote owserver.

exception pyownet.protocol.ShortRead

A subclass of ProtocolError: raised when the payload received from the remote owserver is too short.

exception pyownet.protocol.ShortWrite

A subclass of ProtocolError: raised when it is impossible to send the complete payload to the remote owserver.

Exception hierarchy

The exception class hierarchy for this module is:

 +-- pyownet.protocol.Error
      +-- pyownet.protocol.OwnetError
      +-- pyownet.protocol.OwnetTimeout
      +-- pyownet.protocol.ConnError
      +-- pyownet.protocol.ProtocolError
           +-- pyownet.protocol.MalformedHeader
           +-- pyownet.protocol.ShortRead
           +-- pyownet.protocol.ShortWrite



Defines the maximum number of bytes that this module is willing to read in a single message from the remote owserver. This limit is enforced to avoid security problems with malformed headers. The limit is hardcoded to 65536 bytes. [2]

Message types

These constants can by passed as the msgtype argument to _Proxy.sendmess() method



The module defines a number of constants, to be passed as the flags argument to proxy(). If more flags should apply, these have to be ORed together: e.g. for reading temperatures in Kelvin and pressures in Pascal, one should call:

owproxy = protocol.proxy(flags=FLG_TEMP_K | FLG_PRESS_PA)

general flags


temperature reading flags


pressure reading flags


sensor name formatting flags


These flags govern the format of the 1-wire 64 bit addresses as reported by OWFS:

flag format
FLG_FORMAT_FDI 10.67C6697351FF
FLG_FORMAT_FI 1067C6697351FF

FICD are format codes defined as below:

format interpretation
F family code (1 byte) as hex string
I device serial number (6 bytes) as hex string
C Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire CRC (1 byte) as hex string
D a single dot character ‘.’


[2]Subject to change while package is in alpha phase.
[3]See also issue #8.